Since November 2011, I am working as program coordinator at the Helmholtz International Center for FAIR which is dedicated to make the Hessian Universities in Frankfurt, Darmstadt and Gießen and the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies fit for the future Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research.
My job is to coordinate the various expert groups that we have in HIC for FAIR and to report to the Hessian Ministry, the Hessian Parliament, the Program Advisory Committee and all other entities that want reporting, as well as organizing all kind of odds and ends.
When HIC for FAIR-related work is low, I sneak in some time to do research in heavy-ion physics, calculating photon spectra.
The information in this article is most probably outdated if you read this after 2014-06-30. But we’ll see about that.
Eine Antwort zu „Physics“
[…] war mal Physiker. In dem Zusammenhang habe ich ein paar Veröffentlichungen geschrieben und Vorträge gehalten. […]